Quality Improvement  of  Liquid  Organic  Fertilizer from Water Waste  of Biogas Using Compostar
        It had been improved the quality of the liquid organic fertilizer from waste of Biogas production with the addition of inoculant ( F1 and F2 ) and without inoculant (F0) also additives ( V1 , V2 and V3 ) . Variations of a given treatment comprised of F0V0 (as control), F0V1 , F0V2 , F0V3 , F1V1 , F1V2 , F1V3, F2V1 , F2V2 and F2V3 using experimental design of CRD (Completely Randomized Design) with 3 x replications . Liquid fertilizer quality parameters measured were : temperature , pH , organic-C , total-N and P. While the parameters measured in the corn biomass is wet weight , dry weight , levels of N and P. The results showed that the addition of biofertilizer Compostar isolates (F2) were able to decompose the form of additives to the maximum compared with (F1) and without (F0) the addition of commercial inoculant  with an average content of N - total of  823.2 mg / L and the average P2O5  content of 187.7 mg / L. While the addition of additives could increase levels of  N - total and P2O5 , where the levels of  N - largest total in the treatment of V3 ( Tp.bone 2 % and 2% ) with an average of 967.6 mg / L , while the largest concentration of P2O5 in treatment V1 ( 2 % ) with an average of 154.4 mg / L. Liquid organic fertilizer did not significantly affect the levels of nutrient uptake , biomass dry weight of corn plants , but had significant effect on plant height , stem large and heavy wet corn crop biomass , was the treatment of F2V2 with the addition of biofertilizer that isolates composter and additives in the form of bone meal 2 % .
Keywords : Â liquid organic fertilizer, biogas sludge, compostar
       Telah dilakukan peningkatan kualitas pupuk organik cair dari limbah produksi biogas dengan penambahan inokulan  ( F1 dan F2) dan tanpa penambahan inokulan (F0) serta penambahan zat aditif (V1, V2 dan V3).  Variasi perlakuan yang diberikan  terdiri dari F0V0  sebagai kontrol, F0V1 , F0V2 , F0V3 , F1V1 , F1V2 , F1V3 , F2V1 , F2V2 , dan F2V3   menggunakan rancangan percobaan RAL ( Rancang Acak Lengkap) dengan 3 x ulangan. Parameter kualitas pupuk cair yang diukur , yaitu : suhu, pH, C-organik, N-total dan P. Sedangkan parameter pada biomassa jagung yang diukur adalah bobot basah, bobot kering, Kadar hara N dan P. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa penambahan biofertilizer berupa isolate Compostar (F2) mampu menguraikan zat aditif secara maksimal dibandingkan dengan inokulan komersil (F1) dan tanpa penambahan inokulan (F0) dengan rataan kandungan N-Total sebesar 823,2 mg/L dan rataan kandungan P2O5 sebesar 187,7 mg/L. Sedangkan penambahan zat aditif mampu meningkatkan kadar N-Total dan P2O5, dimana kadar N-Total terbesar pada perlakuan V3( Tp.ikan 2% dan Tp.Tulang 2%) dengan rataan sebesar 967,6 mg/L, sedangkan kadar P2O5 terbesar pada perlakuan V1 (Tp.ikan 2%) dengan rataan sebesar 154,4 mg/L. Pemberian pupuk organic cair tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap serapan kadar hara, berat kering biomassa tanaman jagung, tetapi berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman,besar batang dan berat basah biomassa tanaman jagung, yakni pada perlakuan F2V2 yaitu dengan penambahan biofertilizer isolate composter dan zat aditif berupa tepung tulang 2%.
Kata Kunci : pupuk organik cair, sludge biogas, compostar.Downloads
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