KARAKTERISTIK KOPI BUBUK ARABIKA (Coffea arabica L) TERFERMENTASI Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Characteristics  Of Arabica Ground Coffee (Coffea arabica L) Fermented by Saccharomyces cerevisiae
 Coffee is one of the plantation commodities that have higher economic value among other plantation crops. Arabica coffee has superior quality and taste compared to others. Coffee has been widely processed into grounded coffee products. The quality of ground coffee is influenced by many factors; one of them is processing. In the processing of coffee fruit into coffee beans the process that is certain to occur is fermentation. Fermentation affects ground coffee quality products. This study focused on observing the quality of arabica ground coffee fermented by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The quality parameters of the ground coffee observed include water content, coffee extract and caffeine content. Other qualities supporting parameters are pH of ground coffee and phytochemical test. In addition, the fermentation pH was also observed in the fermentation process, reducing sugar content and qualitative testing of ethanol. Saccharomyces cerevisiae concentration was varied 0% (K0), 1% (K1), 2% (K2), 3% (K3) and 4% (K4) with duration of fermentation is  for 24 hours. The quality of arabica ground coffee products is in accordance with SNI Ground Coffee 01-3542-2004 with the following values: Water content 2,3-1,6% b/b. Coffee extract 30,7-30,3% b/b. Caffeine content 1,18-1,01% b/b. The pH of brewed ground coffee is 6,5-5,1. Alkaloids, saponins and tannins were detected in all different treatments of ground coffee samples. Flavonoids were only detected in the treatment of K0 ground coffee samples. The fermentation pH at the initial state was 5,61 and after fermentation was 4,91-3,89. Reducing sugar content at the initial state was 32,35% b/b and after fermentation 21,2-4,3% b/b. Ethanol was detected in all samples before and after fermentation.
Keywords: Coffea Arabica L, Ground Coffee Quality, Fermentation, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
 Kopi merupakan salah satu komoditi perkebunan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi diantara tanaman perkebunan lainnya. Kopi Arabika memiliki karakteristik dan cita rasa superior dibanding yang lainnya. Kopi banyak diolah menjadi produk kopi bubuk. Karakteristik kopi bubuk dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor salah satunya adalah berdasarkan cara pengolahan. Pada pengolahan dari buah kopi sampai menjadi biji kopi suatu proses yang pasti dilalui, yaitu fermentasi. Fermentasi berpengaruh terhadap karakteristik kopi bubuk yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini difokuskan mengamati karakteristik kopi bubuk Arabika hasil fermentasi menggunakan Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Parameter karakteristik kopi bubuk yang diamati meliputi kadar air, sari kopi dan kadar kafein. Parameter penunjang karakteristik lainnya, yaitu pH seduhan kopi bubuk dan uji fitokimia. Selain itu, pada proses fermentasi juga diamati pH fermentasi, kadar gula pereduksi dan uji kualitatif etanol. Konsentrasi Saccharomyces cerevisiae divariasikan 0% (K0), 1% (K1), 2% (K2), 3% (K3) dan 4% (K4) dengan durasi waktu fermentasi selama 24 jam. Karakteristik kopi bubuk Arabika yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan SNI Kopi Bubuk 01-3542-2004 dengan nilai sebagai berikut: kadar air 2,33–1,6% b/b, sari kopi 30,7 – 30,3% b/b, kadar kafein 1,18–1,01% b/b dan pH seduhan kopi bubuk 6,5–5,1. Alkaloid, saponin dan tanin terdeteksi pada semua perlakuan sampel kopi bubuk. Flavonoid hanya terdeteksi pada perlakuan sampel kopi bubuk K0. pH fermentasi pada keadaan awal 5,61 dan setelah fermentasi 4,91–3,89. Kadar gula pereduksi pada keadaan awal 32,35% b/b dan setelah fermentasi 21,2–4,3% b/b. Etanol terdeteksi pada semua sampel sebelum dan setelah fermentasi.
Kata kunci: Coffea Arabica L, mutu kopi bubuk, Fermentasi, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
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