perception, participation, rehabilitate, kebun bibit rakyatAbstract
 Kebun bibit rakyat (KBR) a program of the Ministry of Forestry to provide that is by planting the forest with forest trees and multipurpose trees spcies (MPTS) Corps who held in self management system by society groups, especially in rural areas. Result seeds kebun bibit rakyat used to rehabilitate of forest and land critical and activities greening activities.
The purpose of this research is to find out perception, participation and involvement of the community in the rehabilitation of forest and land areas through the creation kebun bibit rakyat to the implementation and sustainable, independently knowing internal and external factors that influence the perception and participation knowing relation characteristic of farmers with perception and public participation in the activities of KBR.
The Results of research conducted at the location of KBR in District Pamijahan Regency Bogor average respondent's perception of the four villages of development activities in the category KBR agreed by 53.15%. The level of participation of the majority of participants KBR in program planning activities is high ie 51.84% (63 respondents), the implementation phase has an average score of participants included in the category of participation high at 66.33% (63 respondents). Public Participation in the activities of participants in the District Pamijahan KBR is high at 70.58%, in the three study areas, namely in Cibitung Kulon village by 63.27%, amounting to 93.33% Ciasmara, Cibunian by 100.00%. In areas classified as Medium Pamijahan of 54.29% (25.71% is high only).
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